Ballantines Finest Whisky 70cl
A blended Scotch whisky, Ballantines Finest is blended from more than 50 different single malts. This smooth, sophisticated blend is starting to gain notoriety across the world and was named the ‘No Age Statement’ blended Scotch of the year in 2015.
Ballantine’s established itself early on as a smooth, easy-drinking blend and that reputation still sticks today. Comprised of some 50 single malts – mostly from Miltonduff and Glenburgie – and four grain whiskies, the blend delivers sweet vanilla and cocoa notes in its youth and among its no-age-statement expressions, building layers of honey, toffee and spice as the age develops.
Price: £25.79
Brand: Ballantines
Whiskey Type: Blended
Strength (ABV): 40%
Size: 700ml
Presentation: Glass Bottle
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Region: Scotland