Banks Caribbean Lager 24x 330ml
Banks Caribbean Lager. Popular Barbados lager that is smooth and fresh. Made from British and Australian malt barley with natural Barbados’ water filtered through limestone.
Banks Beer, the beer of Barbados, is a premium pilsner lager with a smooth, fresh aroma. Banks is brewed from a pure, classic blend of 2-Row British and Australian malted barleys deliciously flavored by Yakima Cluster hops and with aromatics by the noble Styrian Golding hop. The water of Barbados, naturally filtered through limestone rock, along with a special strain of yeast, give Banks Beer its unique Bajan character and distinctive quality.
Price: £33.79
Brand: Banks
Beer Style: Lager / Pilsner
Strength (ABV): 4.7%
Size: 24x 330ml
Presentation: Glass Bottle
Country of Origin: Barbados