Brakspear Oxford Gold Golden Ale 8x 500ml
Brakspear Oxford Gold Golden Ale is a superb golden ale brewed using pale and crystal malts and Fuggles, Goldings and Styrian hops. Its zesty aroma makes it perfect for sunsets and barbecues.
Oxford Gold has a citrusy flavour with a fresh and zesty fruity finish. This pale ale has a gold, glittery glisten with crystal malts to enhance the body of the beer. The fresh aroma is contributed by a selective blend of Fuggles, Goldings and Styrian hops. Oxford Gold is the perfect accompaniment for fish, chicken and salad dishes.
Price: £18.79
Brand: Brakspear
Beer Style: Golden
Strength (ABV): 4%
Size: 8x 500Ml
Presentation: Glass Bottle
Country of Origin: United Kingdom