Brockmans Gin 70cl
Brockmans Gin is beautifully made from the finest botanicals, this is a gin that dares to be different. Brockmans is an intensely smooth gin that tastes great over ice. The flavour of Brockmans is so unique and is prepared using a very distinctive bond of flavours.
Perfumed juniper and botanicals are combined with floral blueberries and fragrant blackberries in this beautifully made gin. It’s slowly distilled in a 100-year-old traditional copper still, creating an intensely smooth spirit that is sensual and daringly different.
Brockmans Gin is beautifully made from the finest botanicals, this is a gin that dares to be different. Brockmans is an intensely smooth gin that tastes great over ice. The flavour of Brockmans is so unique and is prepared using a very distinctive bond of flavours. There is an addition of the Bulgarian coriander which is very aromatic and gingery orange flavour with some blueberries and blackberries which gives the gin a dry, bittersweet peel of Valencia oranges.
Price: £31.79
Brand: Brockmans
Size: 700ml
Strength (ABV): 40%
Presentation: Glass Bottle
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Gin Type: Flavoured, London Dry