Flying Buffalo Lager 24x 330ml
Flying Buffalo Lager. Delicious medium-bodied Indian lager with refreshing, spicy, earthy noble hops aromas giving way to hints of toasted malts and crisp clean finish. Pairs perfectly with spicy curries, grilled, roasted and fried foods.
Category: Beer & Cider
Tags: Flying Buffalo, Flying Buffalo Lager
Pours a sparkling gold in the glass. Refreshing, spicy, earthy, noble hops aroma gives way to hints of toasted malts. Delicious, medium-bodied mouthfeel culminates in a crisp clean finish!
Price: £33.79
Brand: Flying Buffalo
Size: 24x 330ml
Presentation: Glass Bottle
Country of Origin: India
Strength (ABV): 5%
Beer Style: Lager / Pilsner
Beer Colour
Beer Style
Bottle Conditioned
Strength ( ABV)
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