Chivas Regal XV Gold Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
Dressed in all gold, Chivas Regal XV is a refined blended scotch whisky aged for a minimum of 15 years and finished in Cognac casks which previously held Grande Champagne Cognac. Unleashing a whisky with uniquely refined, fruity and velvety taste. Enjoy neat, over ice or in a cocktail.
Chivas XV is a luxurious whisky made for celebrating. This fruity whisky is full of rich sultana and warming cinnamon notes, while maintaining a velvety and refined flavour and texture. It’s then laid down to rest for a long 15-year maturation period, before being selectively finished in French Grande Champagne Cognac oak casks.
Price: £38.99
Brand: Chivas Regal
Whiskey Type: Blended
Strength (ABV): 40%
Size: 700ml
Presentation: Glass Bottle
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Region: Highlands
Cask Finish: Grande Champagne Cognac Oak