Emperor Mojito Vodka 70cl
Emperor Mojito Vodka is a vodka that’s infused with mint and lime to give it a bright, herbal flavour and the crispness of a mojito cocktail. It’s made from rye and distilled five times in a copper pot still at one of Europe’s oldest distilleries, which has over 300 years of experience making premium vodka. The vodka is then crafted using a secret formula by master distillers.
Our expertise comes from our master distillers, who have over 300 years of heritage and expertise in vodka creation. All our Premium Emperor Vodkas are distilled 5x in traditional copper barrels to ensure they are finished to perfection with maximum smoothness and no burning or bitter aftertaste.
Our Master Distillers have worked hard to deliver a smooth vodka that is perfect for cocktails, with mixers, or sipping neat on the most elegant of occasions. You can expect a premium experience that awakens the pallet, with a contemporary range of flavoured and unflavoured vodkas, delivered in a beautiful bottle.
Price: £23.79
Brand: Emperor
Presentation: Glass Bottle
Strength (ABV): 38%
Size: 700ml
Country of Origin: Netherlands
Vodka Type: Flavoured