Fever Tree Classic Margarita Mixer 750ml
Crafted using the finest Mexican Limes for a juicy and zesty Margarita. Simply fill your desired glass with ice, salt rim if feeling adventurous. Pour over 50ml of your favourite tequila and 100ml of Fever Tree Margarita Mixer. Stir or shake well and garnish with a lime wheel.
Crafted using the finest Mexican Limes for a juicy and zesty Margarita. Simply fill your desired glass with ice, salt rim if feeling addventurous. Pour over 50ml of your favourite tequila and 100ml of Fever Tree Margarita Mixer. Sitr or shake well and garnish with a lime wheel.
Price: £6.79
Brand: Fever Tree
Mixer Flavour: Margarita
Tonic Flavour: Botanical
Size: 750ml