G’Vine Nouaison Gin 70cl
G’Vine Nouaison Gin has a fruity and a rich taste. Intense and complex aromas of cinnamon bark with baked citrus and floral juniper follow through on a round, silky zest and robust entry. It has a powerful finish of juniper herb, wood and floral notes with fruity ripe citrus flavours.
Very sharp and with a solid character. Finish: powerful interplay of juniper, herb, wood and flowery notes, fruity ripe, citrusy. G’Vine Nouaison amplifies the aromas of the spices, yet retains the sensual and silky grape base as well as the subtle floral note.
Price: £37.79
Brand: G Vine
Size: 700ml
Strength (ABV): 45%
Presentation: Glass Bottle
Country of Origin: France
Gin Type: Botanical