Johnnie Walker Red Label Whisky 70cl
Johnnie Walker Red Label is the world’s best-selling Scotch Whisky. It’s renowned for its bold, characterful taste balanced to shine through even when mixed. It’s a flavour the Walker family has never compromised on.
Johnnie Walker Red Label is the world’s best-selling Scotch Whisky. It’s renowned for its bold, characterful taste balanced to shine through even when mixed. It’s a flavour the Walker family has never compromised on. Using knowledge of Scotland’s malts to create a blend recognised worldwide, Red Label became the world’s favourite whisky, a position it still holds today. Developed for an export market with a taste for long, refreshing drinks, it’s the label that built the Walker empire, and the brand that defined the whisky business.
Price: £20.79
Brand: Johnnie Walker
Whiskey Type: Blended
Strength (ABV): 40%
Size: 700ml
Presentation: Glass Bottle
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Region: Highlands
Cask Finish: Oak Cask