Red Stripe Premium Lager 24x 440ml
Jamaican Red Stripe is an amber beer with a soft taste. An easy drinking lager with a refreshing finish.
The icon that is Red Stripe is unique. Its crisp grain store character and subtle citrus notes make it stand out from the crowd as it carnivals across your tongue. Red stripe has a soft taste without strong bitterness, this is a lighter lager that cuts well through big, bold flavours. The lack of bitterness complements sweet tastes of exotic fruit, such as mango or pineapple, and goes well with corn: all essential components in the traditional Jamaican cuisine. We’ve cut our emissions when making our beers and ciders by 68% since 2008
Since 1928, Red Stripe has embodied the spirit, rhythm and pulse of Jamaica and its people. Red Stripe is a refreshing amber lager from Jamaica, served in an iconic stubby bottle since 1928.Red Stripe is considered the world’s effortlessly cool beer brand, and is a firm favourite of the likes of Kate Moss, Oasis, Jay-Z. Kaiser Chiefs gave Red Stripe a shout out in their song ‘What Did I Ever Give You’, singing ‘Hold tight to your Red Stripe’! You can enjoy sipping on a Red Stripe at some of the best music events in the industry.
Price: £34.79
Brand: Red Stripe
Size: 24x 440Ml
Presentation: Tin Can
Country of Origin: Jamaica
Strength (ABV): 4.7%
Beer Style: Lager / Pilsner