San Miguel Premium Lager 24x 568ml


San Miguel Pale Pilsen is a pale, golden lager with a rich, full-bodied flavour. Its smooth, full-flavored taste complements its pleasant aroma, making it a perfectly balanced beer. It has a unique heritage of bringing people together, nourishing true friendships for over a hundred years.

San Miguel beer is known all over the world for being the classic Spanish blonde, thirst-quenching and decisive, born from an experience rooted in time.

The first San Miguel factory opened its doors in Manila, Philippines, in 1890 and has since been exported to Asia, the United States of America and various European capitals. And the first European nation was Spain where the company was very successful and in fact the headquarters are located in Malaga.

The company in every bottle manages to insert passion and tradition, which is passed on from generation to generation!

Price: £39.79

Brand: San Miguel

Beer Style: Lager / Pilsner

Strength (ABV): 5%

Size: 24x 568ml

Presentation: Tin Can

Country of Origin: Spain