Shepherd Neame Double Stout 8x 500ml
Shepherd Neame Double Stout is deep amber brown with a liquorice aroma, a roasty malt taste and a finish of charcoal and espresso.
Made with a blend of four different malts with a firm bitterness courtesy of local Kentish hops, it is a velvety smooth beer with dry, burnt flavours and cocoa and coffee notes.
Although it was only released in November 2012, Double Stout is apparently based on recipes in an old brewers’ log discovered in the Shepherd Neame archives. In true historic spirit, Double Stout is brewed the UK’s last solid oak mash tuns using East Kent Golding hops.
Price: £23.79
Brand: Shepherd Neame
Beer Style: Porter/Stout
Strength (ABV): 5.2%
Size: 8x 500Ml
Presentation: Glass Bottle
Country of Origin: United Kingdom