Slingsby Gooseberry Gin 70cl
Slingsby Gooseberry Gin is crafted using the world famous Harrogate aquifer water, pure single grain spirit and locally sourced botanicals synonymous with the restorative nature of the town. Yorkshire gooseberries bring an unmistakable tangy sharpness, tempered with a fruity sweetness whilst retaining the classic citrus notes of the classic London Dry Gin.
Award-Winning Gooseberry Gin Yorkshire gooseberries bring an unmistakable tangy sharpness, tempered with a fruity sweetness whilst retaining the classic citrus notes of our classic award-winning London Dry Gin.
Price: £32.79
Brand: Slingsby
Size: 700ml
Strength (ABV): 40%
Presentation: Glass Bottle
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Gin Type: Flavoured, London Dry