Smirnoff Cherry Drop Vodka 70cl
Smirnoff Cherry Vodka where the intense taste of sweet, sun-ripe cherries meets the world’s most infamous vodka. Packed with flavour, it is best enjoyed with cola or lemonade.
Smirnoff Cherry Vodka is a sweet and tangy vodka that’s made with triple distilled vodka and cherry essences. It’s described as having a smooth, clean taste with a lively cherry kick and a mildly warm finish. Some say it’s best enjoyed chilled on the rocks, or mixed with cola, sparkling lemonade, ginger ale, orange juice, or lime juice, and garnished with a wedge of lemon or orange twist.
Price: £19.79
Brand: Smirnoff
Strength (ABV): 37.5%
Size: 700ml
Country of Origin: Russia
Vodka Type: Flavoured
Presentation: Glass Bottle