St Remy Signature Brandy 70cl
St Remy Signature Brandy is a round, well-balanced brandy from St Remy that has been matured in two types of oak, initially in new Quercus Petrea – Cornish oak – casks, followed by traditional European oak casks, creating a smooth, oaky character. Aromas of spicy oak, vanilla, coconut, almond, apple and red berries fill the nose, complemented by notes of fresh oak, honey, hazelnuts, butter, candied orange peel and dried fruit throughout the palate.
Subtle and smooth. Virgin woody notes are enriched with honey, nut and butter flavors. Fruity notes start fresh, and then become candied. Sweet spices create roundness and balance.
Price: £31.79
Brand: St Remy
Strength (ABV): 40%
Presentation: Glass Bottle
Brandy Type: Brandy
Country of Origin: France
Size: 700ml