Villa Ascenti Gin 70cl
Villa Ascenti Gin. Super-premium Italian gin produced from botanicals grown in the hills of Piemonte. To lock in the flavours of mint, thyme and Moscato grape, these ingredients are distilled as soon as they are harvested. Fresh, balanced and beautiful.
This premium Italian gin from Villa Ascenti is made using a secret combination of locally-sourced botanicals, including Tuscan juniper berries, fresh mint, thyme and Moscato grapes. A light, aromatic spirit, Villa Ascenti gin is the perfect drink for summer – try using it in a classic G&T or Martini.
Price: £39.79
Brand: Distilleria Santa Vittoria
Size: 700ml
Strength (ABV): 41%
Presentation: Glass Bottle
Country of Origin: Italy
Gin Type: Botanical, Small Batch