Warner’s Rhubarb Gin 70cl
Warner’s Rhubarb Gin is bursting with natural flavour and colour, this pink gin is made using freshly pressed, deliciously refreshing rhubarb juice and blended with Warner’s Harrington Dry Gin to produce this voluptuous, sweet and tangy rhubarb explosion.
Category: Gin
Tag: Warner's Rhubarb Gin
Every bottle is one-third rhubarb juice. So it’s naturally pink. It tastes like rhubarb and looks like rhubarb because that’s what it ruddy well is: rhubarb. Cracking with Mediterranean tonic.
Price: £36.79
Brand: Warner's Distillery
Size: 700ml
Strength (ABV): 40%
Presentation: Glass Bottle
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Gin Type: Flavoured, Small Batch
Beer Colour
Beer Style
Bottle Conditioned
Strength ( ABV)
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